This Seabridge House virtual address provides an economical city business address at a prestigious office building. The 377 Kent Street location is convenient for local areas such as King Street Wharf, Darling Harbour, Harbourside, Cockle Bay, Haymarket, Circular Quay, The Rocks, Dawes Point, Millers Point, Barangaroo, St James, Town Hall and Pyrmont. Located near to the newly developed Barangaroo office space and dining precinct, Seabridge House offers a highly reputable Sydney city location for a virtual address.
If your company needs a registered office address in the CBD with no requirement for the options of meetings rooms and other amenities then this is a sensible location with the options of mail forwarding and live answering services. This part of the city sits at the Western side of the CBD and Kent Street is one of Sydney’s longest and oldest streets, a very respectable albeit lower profile virtual office address.